Recently, via the fabulous site "Pinterest" I have discovered many teacher blogs that have given me amazing ideas for projects and ideas for my classroom. I started this blog and didn't really do much with it. After seeing how helpful everyone else's blogs have been to me, I am going to try my hand at this again. I don't know if my idea's will help anyone else, but I love to blog and this will be my place to express my teacher related ideas. The past few years have been full of classroom antics. I'll just post a few of the things that have gone down in my neck of the woods at our school, Christ Church School in Temple, Texas.
Texas Regions Project, I was in awe of this students attention to detail with her poster.
At the end of their lessons on Castles and Medieval Fortifications, we play "Castle Catapult". Using plastic spoons and puff balls, the students must choose countries and allies. The object is to knock down your adversaries Castle Keep and help defend your allies.
What better way to celebrate Charlemagne's Christmas Coronation than recreating his crown and wearing it at our Christmas Parties.