Stained Glass Windows
Last week we began discussing different ways stories have been told throughout history. Colored glass was around long before the Middle Ages and has been found in excavations of Roman territory. In the Middle Ages, schools were not as prevalent, and often a student was sent to a Monastery to get their education, but this was obviously for those with financial means. So a large portion of the population was unable to read of write. They could, however, understand pictures. The church often depicted biblical stories and accounts on screens, murals, and in their windows.
The students are creating a book of their many creations about storytelling and kicked it off with this stained glass project.
How it's made:
I took a stained glass coloring page and printed it onto an overhead projector page. The students then colored their clear pages with sharpie markers and laid it on top of some crinkled foil. I created a little frame for the window with some card stock.
I then created a little booklet to go along with it that contained their historical information.
We then created our own stained glass, sun catchers to complete the days lesson.