Monday, August 16, 2010

The smell of excitement mingled with fried fish...

The smell of excitement mingled with fried fish yesterday afternoon when our school opened it doors for Open House so all the kids could visit their new teachers and then partake in our annual fish fry. The students and parents alike seemed thrilled to be coming back for another school year and all of their enthusiam rubbed off on me.  Our fish fry, which raises money for our school scholarship fund had our parish hall packed to the gills.

Get it...GILLS! Hahaha! Ok I know it was bad...moving on!

Lauren, the teacher I share a classroom with, and I worked hard to get our classroom up and running before all of this took place. I snapped some pictures with my phone to share with you. She and I are pretty proud of ourselves for having a functioning classroom considering we started from scratch last year. We have to thank people around the school too for providing desks and other elements needed to get us up and running. Here is the view from the door as you walk in.

Our Science and Math Center, along with extra supplies and homework trays. New bookshelves, generously provided by the school. You've gotta give Lauren lots of brownie points for putting those together.

New rug for our reading area, we encourage the kids to read as much as they can during quiet times. Plus it helps enable my book habit now that I can buy books for the students as well as myself.

The mural my mother bought for my classroom, and the plant dad provided me. Our ivy, named Isabella is our second classroom ivy. Last year we had one named Ferdinand, but Ferdi was dying in his little pot and I had to do an emergency transplant to the first big pot I could find with soil at my house. He's now HUGE, so we got a new one for this year.

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